Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Wayments Take McCall, ID

Jordan has been known to make friends fast, and close ones too. It's a talent I definitely don't possess and I am constantly in awe watching him easily converse with anyone around him! 

Anyway, this time his friend making skills got us a sweet trip to McCall, Idaho! It's this random little lake town I had no idea about cleeeeeeaaaaaar up the freak in Idaho. The town has a Park City vibe but slightly more po-dunk slash more ritzy. I don't know how that's possible but it pulled it off. 

This was our first family road trip. We have never driven further than 2 hours with the babies in the car.. So I was nervous. With some strategic planning with driving around nap time and YouTube, we made it to Boise for the first night with ease. We stayed with my Uncle Gary and Aunt Beth, who live there, and went to church with them the next day. 
Family snuggle time before church 

Being ever so reverent in church. 

We finally made it to McCall later that day and arrived to one of the nicest lake houses I have ever been to. 

We had our own private dock, hot tub, beach, and the softest bed you ever did touch... Being young and having two kids, we don't get to experience this type of luxury...ever.. So we were kind of wide eyed when they were showing us around, but we were trying to act cool because the family we were with obviously experiences this on the daily. 

The kids LOVE sand and they waisted no time getting it into every little crevice of their bodies. We had to just strip them down. 

Raylee heads straight for the water and just wanted to splash in it. The family we were with (the Gallaghers) loved the babies and played with them all the time! We love their family! 

The next morning it started to sink in what a non-baby-friendly environment we were in... Hard floors, stairs everywhere, railings with gaps bigger than them (who does that??) water, and people who weren't used to having babies around so when the babies cried it was like... Quick run to the other room and shut the door!! Plus the kids didn't sleep well so they had an extra dose of cranky. Luckily there was a little office-like area that we blockaded with a fancy chair that we could let the babies crawl and play to their hearts content. 

I didn't really get much of a break on this vacation because I had to constantly be watching the kids, but the second they went to sleep I could be found in the hot tub :)

We had planned to stay until Thursday, but after a couple days of constant monitoring of the twins and everyone being a little cranky we re-evaluated and decided to go home Tuesday night... I hope bailing early on vacations happens to other young families...

But before we left we had one of the best boating sessions we have ever had with the babies. They didn't fuss about their life jackets at all and loved watching dad! Maybe it's because they knew we were on our family's dream boat (the Nautique G23) 

She was smiling and singing most of the time... She isn't a fan of pictures. 
He loved watching the water! He got tired of standing though and when he sat down it was hilarious! 

After some time on the boat our spirits were a little higher and we were ready to make the treck home! We are actually still driving as we speak... 2:33 a.m. 

Being parents is hard, especially with two little ones, and things hardly ever go as planned. But Jordan and I are learning to be more flexible and be so greatful for the little moments that make life what it is and enjoy those sunrises we had no intention of waking up for...