1. I can't believe this things were inside of me!!
2. Yep.. My babies are definitely cuter than everyone else's.
3. How am I so in love with them?
4. Wait.. I don't ever get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time? Is that even survivable?
5. They keep going cross-eyed! MY BABIES ARE BLIND
6. My boobs can do what now?
7. On my heck I love them!
8. Will you please poop more?
9. Ok you can stop pooping now.
10. Why are there so many bumps in the road and when did they get here? Driving is not a safe activity.
11. I can't wait till you guys get bigger!
12. STOP GROWING! Stop it now.
13. I think I am going to die.
14. Motherhood is the best thing ever!
15. She just spit up out of her nose! Is she dying??
16. This subtle breez outside is TOO VIOLENT for humans!
16. There are so many bugs outside... Did we experience an increase?
17. I wish I could just snuggle them for hours!
19. Jordan is the best dad ever.
20. My baby is darker than me... That's just not fair.
21. One baby would be a looooot easier than two...
22. One baby would not be even close to as awesome as twins.
23. Can I please just sleep a little longer?
24. Why did we get chosen to be so blessed?
25. I got this!
26. Oh I have no idea what I am doing..
27. I am just going to stop eating everything so I don't upset their tummys
28. Thank goodness for my mother.
29. Am I really trusted with these little angels?
30. Life is going to be so fun!!!
Your blog is AWESOME! I love reading what you have to say! Your little family is darling! Love you guys. :)