Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cancun! Secrets Revealed ;)

So I am sooooo excited that I can finally write about our trip to Cancun! We went down there with most of the Flyboard Family from around the world to create a Youtube video that would feature Franky Zapata's new invention he calls the Hoverboard.

This is Jordan on one :) And yes, I took this picture from a big-ole fancy boat in the middle of the ocean.

Devin Supertramp was the one who filmed the video!!! It was so surreal to meet his team and watch how he filmed the riders and got amazing shots. (I couldn't get good pictures of him getting shots in the ocean because he was far away...)

I think its dumb that we couldn't post any of the pictures on the Facebook or Instagram this whole time... but they wanted it to be a huge reveal of the product and didn't want to ruin the surprise... oh well.

The whole experience was just so amazing!! We actually didn't start filming the video until the last 2 days we were there, so let me fill you in on the first five!

The first two days were spent being tourists in Cancun, and man did we pack those days full! Luckily The Belly wasn't that big yet, and getting around and being active wasn't too hard. The very first thing we did on the first morning was go to a little island off of the coast. While we were waiting for the ferry .... this happened...

Yes, that is a Mexican who just threw himself off of a rickety old Bungee-jump tower above like 5 feet of water.... and to give you a better feel of this atmosphere, imagine LOUD fiesta music playing and a man over a loud speaker yelling, "PERFECTO!!!", followed by more Spanish words.  I think this is the moment that I realized Mexico is, "No place like home".

Anyways, we snorkeled an underwater museum (which I don't have pictures of as my phone is not water-proof) and then went to this beautiful little place to eat after.

We saw some Mayan Ruins... (it was HOT)

Swam in some under-ground caves...

Saw amazing beaches...

And got some baby-bump pictures :) (Thought I was huge... heh heh)

The next couple of days were really relaxing for me... because I stayed at our luxurious resort while Jordan went out with the Flyboard Family to figure out the new contraption.

This is where it gets good :)

It was about 8:00 at night  on the first day that Jordan and the crew went out to practice the new Hoverboard. I was already in bed, asleep. I was exhausted from a luxurious beach/pool day and growing two humans. Jordan BURST through the door (probably with a HUGE smile on his face) and woke me up saying, "Babe! Babe! Um, guess who did the first back-flip on the Hoverboard??" and he gave me a second to wake up all the way before he proceeded to tell me his story.

Before I get into it though, you have to understand that this Hoverboard was so new that only Franky Zapata and Jordan had ridden it out of the whole group that went down to film, and Jordan had only tried it once in Las Vegas a few weeks before. No tricks, spins, flips, or anything besides carving back and forth had been done on it ever, and everyone was starting to worry that maybe those types of tricks couldn't be done on it. Of course Jordan was DETERMINED to figure out how to get a backflip down. for WEEKS before we even left to Cancun, Jordan would come to me and say, "So I think I figured out how I can do a backflip on the Hoverboard" and then he would show me with his fingers (like using one of those mini skateboards that were popular when we were kids) or his whole body how it would work. His ideas changed a few times, and by the time we got to Cancun, Manimal couldn't stop talking about how he was going to do it. He described it as sort of a backwards roll thing... I have to admit, I kind of ignored him when he would talk about it... becaaaaaaause I was on the "that won't ever work" train. I tried to stay supportive and encouraging though, because I deeply admire how his brain turns on when everyone else turns theirs off.  Anyways, this is the story that I got from Jordan about the first backflip ever done on the Hoverboard.

It had been a long morning... It took a while to get all of the Jet-Ski's hooked up correctly with the Hoverobards, and to get to the right location. There were quite a few riders there who had never tried the Hoverboard and had to spend a while even learning to get up on one. Soon all of the riders were riding pretty confidently and it was time to figure out if this backflip, or any sort of trick, could be done to help make the Youtube video more exciting. I don't know how long they were trying, but it sounded like a WHILE of everyone just trying things and failing over and over. Franky Zapata and Jordan were nowhere close to giving up though and Jordan jumped on a board and Franky Zapata started driving him to have another go at it. Jordan failed at his attempts quite a few times and then decided to re-work how he was going to accomplish this elusive flip. He said he started carving like he was on a Wakeboard, and then decided he was going to throw this flip how he would a Backroll (wake-boarding back-flip-roll thing). He threw it, and made it all the way around!!! He fell on the landing because of excitement and the newness of it, but Franky and the whole crew got very excited!! Jordan got right back on and threw it again. LANDED!!

I watched the video that someone took of him landing the first backflip, and there was so much cheering and excitement from everyone!

He didn't stop though, and went on to get a few more. He once told me that when he learns a new trick (on anything) he has to throw it and land it at least three times.. and that is what he did. He was about to be done and celebrate, but he decided he was going to throw a front-flip... just because.. why not? He threw it. LANDED!!! After that, he jumped off the board to celebrate and Franky jumped off the Jet-Ski and swam over to him and gave him a huge hug! When Jordan told me the story, he said that that moment was the happiest moment of his life and quickly added, "after our wedding day of course" Haha! After that he was tasked with teaching everyone else how to do the tricks and things just took off from there :)

Here are the videos that came from all of this. The first one is the main one, and the second one is the behind the scenes one (I made an appearance in that one!)

  This whole experience with Flyboaring, and now Hoverboarding, has been so amazing for both of us. We are so thankful for all of the experiences that have happened and will happen to our little family because of Franky Zapata!

(forgive that I look horrible... we just had a 16 hour day filming)

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you had a great vacation on CancĂșn, congrats! The water hoverboard looks amazing. Here is some info on where to spend a hoverboard and flyingboard vacations .
