Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wake and Raylie!

Holly poop... I just need to share how awesome it is that our little Wake and Raylie are coming to us!!!

You see, when Manimal and I were dating, we would stay up for HOURS and HOURS just talking about what our pasts were like, what we wanted our future to be like, and other random things.... like what kind of boats he wanted. But it was during those talks that we realized how much we had in common.. and it got kinda freaky.  For example, we both pogo-sticked for our classmates at school. Who does that?? It even got to the point where we would just say, "Name your favorite _____ on the count of 3" because our answers were the same so often! Then we would just sit there and argue about why it was our favorite more than the other person... we still have this argument on a weekly basis about who likes water more.

Anyway, it was during one of these conversations that one of us brought up the names of our future children. It turns out, we had both fallen in love with the name 'Wake' for our first son when we were in High School!! We couldn't believe it!! I liked it because it sounded cool and it related to water, and Manimal liked it because of the relation to Wake-boarding. When we got married... we figured we were destined to have a son, because we both thought of the same name for him before we even knew each other! 

After we were done freaking out about how awesome it was that we both liked the name 'Wake' for our son, we brought up girl names. I actually hadn't come up with anything specific yet so I asked Manimal what he was thinking. Without hesitation he said something like, "I want my gril's name to be Raley!" I kind of started laughing because Raley (pronounced Ray. Lee) is the name of a Wake-boarding trick and I didn't think he was serious, but then I realized how adorable that name was and we made a pact, right then and there, that Wake and Raylie (we spell it better) would be the names of our first girl and first boy!

This is Manimal doing a Raley on the wake-board. (one of the things that makes him a manimal) This is is FAVORITE trick... and if we are anywhere near another boat while he is wakeboarding, he is sure to throw this one. (This was at a competition...so excuse is stressed face) I can't wait till Raylie can watch him do this! <3

Again, when we were first married, we both thought our first child would be a boy for sure because of how awesome the name thing was, but whenever either of us had dreams about our future children, we saw Raylie. Some dreams were more special than something our subconscious just thought up, so after a while, we had accepted that our first baby was probably going to be a girl. 

Finding out that both of them are coming to us is so so AWESOME!! There just isn't a word for how unreal it is :) Why both of them are coming at the same time is completely unknown...we would have happily accepted them at different times.... but it is just so cool to see Heavenly Father's plan for us matching up a tiny bit with something we planned. We still can't believe how blessed we are that our little angels are here and swimming around in my belly together!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you both - - - and happy you are both so happy !
