So the babies and I caught the dreaded RSV despite all of my efforts to avoid it like The Plague! I have a hard time pronouncing what RSV really stands for so I have re-named it the Really Stupid Virus. Because... It is really stupid.
I was quite proud of myself that my babies hadn't gotten sick yet, and they are already 6 months old, so when they started to get what I thought was a cold, I was just like, "meh, I guess it's about time." 2 days later little Wake started wheezing so we took him in to the Instacare. They stuck this long evil thing up his nose to get a mucus sample, meanwhile Wake thought he was dying and my heart was breaking. Within like 3 minutes it came back positive for RSV. We didn't bother testing Raylee or me for a result because.... We all share everything... Bath water, boobs, blankets, kisses, slobber, toys, you get the idea..
My only experience with RSV is just what I have heard from horror stories in the news or from other people, so of course I though the next step was going to be my babies whisked away to the hospital to have breathing tubes and crap shoved everywhere. But no. The doctor was just like, "well there is nothing we can do for viruses so just keep their noses clear, you could also take them outside! It's such a nice day!"
I thought that was a bit chipper.. But he did give us a prescription to take them to the RSV clinic at the hospital incase their breathing got labored.
Not going to lie, I was freaking out. What did labored breathing look like? Why didn't he think my babies would die like all of the other kids in the news? There has to be SOMETHING we can do!
We all left the Instacare a bit frazzled and wondering what was going to happen next. Wake's wheezing was still freaking us out so we decided we should give the babies a blessing and take a visit to this RSV clinic in the hospital.
Jordan and my dad gave the babies a blessing before we left to the hospital. (If you don't know what that is, it is basically a prayer combined with the power of the Prehistood administered to people to give them special blessings the Lord wants them to have and to provide peace and comfort.) They were blessed that they would be able to overcome their illness, so I immediately felt a little better about the situation, but still worried about what was next.
We have been to the RSV clinic about four times since then and we are probably going to go again today. They suction out the babies noses and throats and just keep things clear so they can breathe easily and make sure they don't get infections from all the nasty mucus. They have also provided us with a lot of peace and knowledge. Most of the time RSV is really not a big deal. It is usually bad for about 7 days with days 4 and 5 being the worst (we are on day 7), and then most babies and people emerge unscathed.
I'm not sure we are out of the clouds yet, but it is sure looking like the babies are recovering well! We rented an electronic suctioning device (BBG -- Baby Bugger Grabber) to suck the babies noses several times a day. They HATE it but after it's over they feel much better. Also my mom came over to take care of me and the babies while Jordan was at work. If people could be declared Angels... I would declare her one.
I was looking over pictures we took during the week and it looks like the babies are having the time of their lives... Not true... I just have smiley babies :)
These next two are the kids in their winter suites we had them in when we took them out for some fresh air :)
And of course Jordan didn't get sick AT ALL. He has been taking these fancy vitamins that apparently make you iron man. Maybe I shall start taking some now.
We kept them in the high chairs a lot so they could be upright so they could breathe better.
Just pray that we keep getting better and better!!